Last updated: 19 Apr 2024 | 3519 Views |
1st Round Admission: Portfolio Apply Now!
1. Admission qualifications listed in the item 14 of the Thammasat University’s Bachelor Degree Regulations (2018) :
1.1 Applicants shall not have any students’ status or currently be enrolled at any other higher education institutions in Thailand except open university.
1.2 Applicants shall not be diagnosed with communicable infectious disease, socially disgusted diseases or diseases which will impede the learning performance.
1.3 Applicants shall not have convicted of any offence a crime or have not been charged with any offence.
2. Applicants must currently be studying Mathayom 6 with the cumulative GPA of not less than 3.75
3. Applicants must have one of the following English language proficiency test results (taken within 2 years prior to the application date):
- TOEFL: a minimum score of 500 on PBT/ 61 on iBT/ 173 on CBT or
- IELTS: a minimum overall grade of 6.0 or
- TU-GET: a minimum score of 500 on PBT/ 61 on CBT or
- GSAT: a minimum score of 400 on Reading, Writing and Language parts
Admission Criteria
1. Applicants are awarded in a social science competition, nationality or internationally; or
2. Applicants are the national representative of the international social science activities; or
3. Applicants are the representative of the school for national social science activities; or
4. Applicants are a leader of social activities in the community which must be recognized publicly; or
5. Interview examination will be held by the BIR committee; or
6. Admission decisions of the BIR Committee are final.
Required Documents
All applicants must upload the following documents into a single PDF file in the admission system within specific period.
1. Transcript
2. English Language Proficiency Test
3. Certificates and evidence of activities
27 May 2024
2 Dec 2020
6 Jun 2024